Thursday, July 3, 2008

Treatment acne and reducing acne scars and redness

The two most common forms of acne scarring treatment are Laser and Light therapy. It's hard to say which of the two treatment options are better, as both have their advantages and disadvantages, however the treatment methods they contain can be boiled down to the following -
Way back (no pun intended) when I was in high school I remember a friend of mine who for all intense and purposes didn't seem to have acne any worse than the rest of us, except when you saw his back.
My next little tip help you fight the evil acne monster is beta carotene or vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in many vegetables, the most common of which is carrots. If you eat more carrots and encourage a healthy diet and lifestyle your skin will follow. Acne is the result of something wrong on the inside of your body. Food is fuel for your body. Just like a car runs on gasoline your body runs on vitamins and nutrients. If you don't put gas in your car it wont run, just like if you don't put the right fuel in it your body will work either. So feed yourself some beta carotenes and watch the evil acne monster disappear..
tags: best organic skin care line for mature acne scared skin, over the counter acne treatments with benzoyl peroxide, what pills help clear up acne

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