Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne treatment and whitening pills

« ...There are different steps involved in treating acne at home. Regardless of what concoction you are thinking of applying, treating acne will actually start from keeping the skin free from oil and all kinds of dirt. One way to clean your skin is to rub it with lemon. Lemon is used for a number of reasons and purposes, and its effectiveness is due to its citric acid content. This essential acid is composed of properties capable of killing the bacteria on the skin. However, for this homemade acne treatment to work, one should rub it before going to bed. This effect can also be achieved by applying your skin with a tomato slice....
...This kind of acne causes severe scarring on the face and back. Worse still, there is not very much that you can do about it. And for gender, you have Acne Fulminans, a rather serious form of acne, in which the eruption is accompanied by fever and body ache. This kind of acne mainly affects males and erupts suddenly. Other symptoms of this kind of acne include a high white blood cell count, as well as loss of appetite and deep scarring. These are only some examples of the different classifications of acne....»
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«...In short, here were the wrong answers to my acne problem:...»
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tags: acne free in three days, how to cure acne over night, acne cream on lips damage

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