Saturday, September 27, 2008

Juliets all natural acne

« ...There are certain medications which are also known to cause acne. Androgens have already been mentioned, but these are sometimes used medicinally and have an obvious effect on acne. Other drugs which have been noted to affect acne include barbiturates and lithium. Certain make ups have been shown to increase the likelihood of acne, in particular greasy cosmetics which may altar the cell structure of follicles....
...Blackheads are not caused by the deposits of dirt. This misconception often leads people to use harsh abrasive cleaners which should strictly be avoided. Also do not try to scrape or scrub the skin as doing so will most likely damage the skin and its sensitive pores....»
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«...Using herbal supplements, natural herbs, spices and other natural acne treatment to deal with your acne is very effective. After reading this short article, I assure you that you will have what it takes to treat your acne condition effectively using herbs in less than 3 months. I have used these herbs successfully, in fact, I would credit them as one of the major factor in removing all my acne in less than 2 months. There are other people I have used these herbs on and most of them too have had significant results....»
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tags: acne medication ratings, how can my dermatologist treat my acne, getting rid of a body acne rash

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